English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2024;79:e38866, www.laakarilehti.fi/e38866

One-third of doctors that answered the survey find sick leave prescribing still problematic

Eija HeikkiläPeppiina SaastamoinenAnniina CanselJuha MikkonenJukka VänskäRiikka-Leena Leskelä

Background The research aimed to investigate the views of doctors on prescribing sick leave and sick leave certifications, and the challenges and development areas related to them. Secondary goal was to investigate how well doctors know the Current care guidelines related to sick leave certifications (published in 2019) as well as have they found the guidelines to be useful.

Methods The research was carried out as an electronic survey, which was sent to 8 705 doctors.

Results The response rate was 9 % (n=778). One-third (32 %) of the doctors felt sick leave prescribing problematic weekly. The main identified problems were assessing functional work ability, evaluating the optimal length of sick leave, and prescribing sick leave for mental health and behavioural disorders. Only 12 % of doctors were thoroughly knowledgeable of the Current care guidelines and viewed the guidelines as having minor effects on their prescription of sick leaves. The doctors wished to have illness-specific Current care guidelines regarding sick leaves and hoped that prescribing sick leaves would be moved to the occupational health physicians.

Conclusions The experience of sick leave evaluations being problematic has continued same levels after the publication of Current care guidelines.

Eija Heikkilä, Peppiina Saastamoinen, Anniina Cansel, Juha Mikkonen , Jukka Vänskä, Riikka-Leena Leskelä


Eija Heikkilä filosofian tohtori Nordic Healthcare Group Oy

Peppiina Saastamoinen filosofian tohtori Suomen Lääkäriliitto

Anniina Cansel filosofian maisteri Nordic Healthcare Group Oy

Juha Mikkonen filosofian tohtori Suomen Lääkäriliitto

Jukka Vänskä filosofian maisteri Suomen Lääkäriliitto

Riikka-Leena Leskelä tekniikan tohtori Nordic Healthcare Group Oy

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