English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2024;79:e39228, www.laakarilehti.fi/e39228

Psychiatry summer school has increased enthusiasm for the specialty

Max KarukiviNoora ScheininHenry KarlssonKirsi-Maria Haapasalo-Pesu

Background Psychiatry summer school was started in Satakunta ten years ago. The aim of this study is to characterize the participants from 2013–2023, and to assess their experiences of the summer school and its most important elements in follow-up.

Methods 230 students and recent graduates have participated in the summer school during the years 2013­­–2023. Of them, 209 (90.1%) participated in the assessments and comprised the study sample. After four years, the participants were invited to complete a follow-up questionnaire, which includes questions regarding their summer school experience and possible residency in psychiatry. In 2017–2023, 90 participants (62.5% of 144 eligible individuals) completed the follow-up questionnaire.

Results The participants represented five Finnish and three foreign medical faculties. In the follow-up, 97.8% (n=88) of the participants recalled their summer school experience as being very positive or positive. The most important elements were patient work and tutoring. Of those, who participated in the follow-up assessment, 16.7% (n=15) had a residency within a psychiatric specialty and for most of them (n=10), the impact of summer school had been significant in this decision.

Conclusions Psychiatry summer school has been a positive experience to the participants, and it has helped to acquire new residents to psychiatric specialties.

Max Karukivi, Noora Scheinin, Henry Karlsson, Kirsi-Maria Haapasalo-Pesu


Max Karukivi LT, apulaisprofessori, ylilääkäri Turun yliopisto ja Tyks, nuorisopsykiatria

Noora Scheinin LT, apulaisprofessori, ylilääkäri Turun yliopisto ja Satakunnan hyvinvointialue, psykiatria

Henry Karlsson LT, VTM, FM, dosentti, psykiatrian erikoislääkäri, kliininen opettaja Tyks ja Turun yliopisto, nuorisopsykiatria ja Recuror Oy

Kirsi-Maria Haapasalo-Pesu LT, dosentti, psykiatrian ja nuorisopsykiatrian erikoislääkäri Turun yliopisto ja Satakunnan hyvinvointialue, psykiatria

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