English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2023;78:e34175, www.laakarilehti.fi/e34175

Individually tailored care plan improves calcium intake and vitamin D levels in older hip fracture patients

Matias PehkonenTiina LuukkaalaMinna A. KujalaMaria Nuotio

Background Ensuring sufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D is an essential part of fracture care and secondary prevention. We studied the impact of an individual care plan on calcium intake and 25(OH)D levels in older hip fracture patients.

Methods The study included a sample of 1001 consecutive hip fracture patients aged 65 and over between 2011 and 2018. Of this sample, follow-up data from the geriatric outpatient clinic at 4–6 months after the fracture were available for 796 patients. We assessed calcium intake from food and supplements and 25(OH)D levels in the acute post-fracture period. Calcium and vitamin D supplements were then tailored individually. At the outpatient follow-up, calcium intake and 25(OH)D were re-evaluated. 

Results In the majority of the hip fracture patients the pre-fracture calcium intake was below the recommendations for osteoporosis. This was particularly evident in patients living in their own homes. In the group in assisted or institutionalized living, calcium intake was already higher and did not improve significantly. In both groups, the total intake of calcium as well as 25(OH)D levels had increased significantly at the follow-up visit. 

Conclusions An individually tailored care plan appears to improve both calcium intake and vitamin D levels in older hip fracture patients.

Matias Pehkonen, Tiina Luukkaala, Minna A. Kujala, Maria Nuotio

Matias Pehkonen

Doctor in specialist training in geriatrics, doctoral researcher

University of Turku, Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research, Geriatrics


Matias Pehkonen geriatrian erikoislääkäri, väitöskirjatutkija Turun yliopisto, Turun kliininen tohtoriohjelma, geriatria

Tiina Luukkaala FM, biostatistikko Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiiri, Tutkimus-, kehittämis- ja innovaatiokeskus ja Tampereen yliopisto, yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunta, terveystieteiden tieteenalaryhmä, biostatistiikan oppiala

Minna A. Kujala geriatrian ja yleislääketieteen erikoislääkäri, väitöskirjatutkija Seinäjoen keskussairaala, geriatrian toimintayksikkö ja Turun yliopisto

Maria Nuotio LT, geriatrian professori, ylilääkäri Turun yliopisto, Tyks ja Turun hyvinvointitoimiala

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