English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2023;78:e37537, www.laakarilehti.fi/e37537

The work disability prevention services in public primary health care: Patients' experiences of the work ability coordinator’s service

Hanna NurmiLauri VähätaloAnna SiukolaTiia RehoSalla AtkinsMarkku SumanenMervi ViljamaaRiitta Sauni

Background The aim of the study was to examine patients’ attitudes about the work ability coordinator’s service that was implemented in public primary health care.

Methods The data were collected through questionnaires (n=39) and semi-structured interviews (n=10) after the first and the last visit with the work ability coordinator. Work ability coordinators surveyed the patients’ need for work ability support and offered them an opportunity to participate in the work disability prevention service.

Results The surveyed patients' perceptions about their work ability and personal assessment about possibilities to work until retirement improved during the follow-up. In interviews, the work ability coordinator's service was described to improve the flow of patient related information and as a customer-oriented and holistic work ability support service in public primary healthcare.

Conclusions The findings showed that there is a need for a work ability coordinator’s service in public primary health care. However, the identification of the groups that benefit most from work disability prevention services should be developed to best meet patients’ varying needs.

Hanna Nurmi, Lauri Vähätalo, Anna Siukola, Tiia Reho, Salla Atkins, Markku Sumanen, Mervi Viljamaa, Riitta Sauni


Hanna Nurmi TtM, tutkija Tampereen yliopisto, lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta

Lauri Vähätalo YtM, tutkija Tampereen yliopisto, lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta

Anna Siukola TtT, projektipäällikkö Tampereen yliopisto, lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta

Tiia Reho LT, kliininen opettaja Tampereen yliopisto, lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta

Salla Atkins PhD Social Science, professori Tampereen yliopisto, yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunta, Karolinska Institutet Department of Global Public Health, Social Medicine Infectious Disease and Migration (SIM)

Markku Sumanen LT, yleislääketieteen professori Tampereen yliopisto, lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta

Mervi Viljamaa LT, johtava työterveyslääkäri Pihlajalinna Työterveys

Riitta Sauni LT, työterveyshuollon ja työlääketieteen professori Tampereen yliopisto, lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta

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