English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2023;78:e34248, www.laakarilehti.fi/e34248

Majority of occupational health care costs allocated to patients with musculoskeletal or mental disorders

Yrjänä HynninenMari LahelmaAntti RissanenSamuli VolttiKristiina PatjaMatias PosaPaulus TorkkiKari ReijulaRiikka-Leena Leskelä

Background Musculoskeletal and mental disorders are key disease groups that threaten the work ability of employees. In this registry study, we examined how employees, especially those diagnosed with a musculoskeletal or mental disorder, use occupational health care (OH) services.

MethodsThe research material consisted of OH patient data from 87,468 employees from the year 2018. The study examined how the use of services is distributed among patient groups and how various OH services are targeted to these employees. The use of services was examined by assessing OH costs and the services incurring them (compensation category and professional group).

ResultsThe majority (73%) of OH costs were allocated to employees diagnosed with musculoskeletal or mental disorders (49% of all patients). The costs of service use and sick leave days per employee were substantially higher than average in this group. Only about a third of patients had an appointment with a physical therapist (musculoskeletal patients) or a psychologist (patients with mental disorders).

ConclusionsMusculoskeletal and mental disorders are significant threats to work ability. Physician services account for a major share of costs. In the future it is important to ensure that the reimbursement system supports the implementation and use of interventions that previous research has shown to be effective.

Yrjänä Hynninen, Mari Lahelma, Antti Rissanen, Samuli Voltti, Kristiina Patja, Matias Posa, Paulus Torkki, Kari Reijula, Riikka-Leena Leskelä

Riikka-Leena Leskelä

D.Sc. (Tech.), Research Director

Nordic Healthcare Group


Yrjänä Hynninen TkT, senior manager Nordic Healthcare Group Oy

Mari Lahelma LL, tutkimusanalyytikko Nordic Healthcare Group Oy

Antti Rissanen VTM, konsultti Nordic Healthcare Group Oy

Samuli Voltti M.Sc., konsultti Nordic Healthcare Group Oy

Kristiina Patja LT, terveydenhuollon professori, terveydenhuollon erikoislääkäri Helsingin yliopisto, kansanterveystieteen osasto

Matias Posa LK Helsingin yliopisto, kansanterveystieteen osasto

Paulus Torkki TkT, terveydenhuollon tuotantotalouden apulaisprofessori Helsingin yliopisto, kansanterveystieteen osasto

Kari Reijula LT, työterveyden professori Helsingin yliopisto, kansanterveystieteen osasto

Riikka-Leena Leskelä TkT, tutkimusjohtaja Nordic Healthcare Group Oy

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