English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2023;78:e35098, www.laakarilehti.fi/e35098

Sarcopenia is common in the population aged 80 years or older

Matias Blomqvist*Katri Sääksjärvi*Maria NuotioSeppo KoskinenSari Stenholm


Sarcopenia is a muscle disorder characterized by progressive loss of muscle mass and strength. Sarcopenic obesity (concurrent obesity and sarcopenia) and osteosarcopenia (concurrent osteoporosis and sarcopenia) are two distinctly recognized subdisorders. The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of sarcopenia, sarcopenic obesity and osteosarcopenia in Finland.

Methods The study material consisted of participants of the Health 2000 study representing the Finnish adult population. Sarcopenia was defined as low grip strength, and body mass index and waist circumference were used to determine obesity. Osteoporosis was defined as low bone mineral density or self-reported diagnosis of osteoporosis.

Results Probable sarcopenia was present in up to one half of the population aged 80 years or older, and in one tenth of those aged between 55–79 years. In the younger age group probable sarcopenia was more common in women than men, while no sex difference was observed among those aged 80 years or older. Among people aged 80 years and older, the prevalence of sarcopenic obesity was 32% among women and 11% among men and that of osteosarcopenia 25% and 6%, respectively.

Conclusions Sarcopenia is a common disorder among older adults. Early recognition of sarcopenia and its subdisorders is important so that the treatment can be started in time.

Matias Blomqvist, Katri Sääksjärvi, Maria Nuotio, Seppo Koskinen, Sari Stenholm

Matias Blomqvist

M.D., undergoing specialist training in geriatrics, Doctoral Researcher

University of Turku


Matias Blomqvist* LL, geriatriaan erikoistuva lääkäri, väitöskirjatutkija Turun yliopisto

Katri Sääksjärvi* FT, erikoistutkija THL

Maria Nuotio LT, geriatrian professori ja ylilääkäri Turun yliopisto, Tyks, geriatrian palvelualue

Seppo Koskinen LT, VTM, tutkimusprofessori THL

Sari Stenholm TtT, kansanterveystieteen ja epidemiologian professori Turun yliopisto, kansanterveystiede ja väestötutkimuskeskus Tyks ja Varsinais-Suomen hyvinvointialue

* Jaettu 1. kirjoittajuus

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