English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2022;77:e33517, www.laakarilehti.fi/e33517

Implementation and outcomes of neoadjuvant therapy for breast cancer

Heidi LoponenHarlan BarkerTero Ylisaukko-OjaMaarit BärlundMinna Tanner

Background Breast cancer (BC) is a multifaceted disease that requires individual treatment planning based on the biological subtype and stage of the disease. In particular, patients with aggressive subtypes, such as HER2-positive or triple negative BC (TNBC), benefit from preoperative systemic (neoadjuvant) therapy. In this study, we assessed the treatment patterns and outcomes of neoadjuvant therapy in the Pirkanmaa Hospital District.

Methods Data on adult breast cancer patients (ICD-10: C50) who had started neoadjuvant treatment between January 1st, 2017 and June 30th, 2018 in the Pirkanmaa Hospital District were collected from electronic health records.

Results Neoadjuvant treatment was mainly carried out in accordance with national and international treatment recommendations. Nearly half of the patients in the cohort had HER2-positive BC. The most common preoperative stage was III. The proportion of patients who achieved a complete pathological response in the HER2 + and TNBC subgroups was in line with previous clinical trial evidence.

Conclusions Neoadjuvant treatment results in a high rate of complete pathological response, especially in aggressive subtypes. Thus, establishment of neoadjuvant therapy as a part of standard treatment practices at the national level should be pursued.

Heidi Loponen, Harlan Barker, Tero Ylisaukko-oja, Maarit Bärlund, Minna Tanner

Heidi Loponen

Ph.D., Senior Scientific Consultant

MedEngine Oy


Heidi Loponen FT, tieteellinen seniorikonsultti MedEngine Oy

Harlan Barker FM, data-analyytikko MedEngine Oy ja Tampereen yliopisto, lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta

Tero Ylisaukko-oja FT, toimitusjohtaja MedEngine Oy ja Oulun yliopisto, elinikäisen terveyden tutkimusyksikkö

Maarit Bärlund LT, DI, syöpätautien erikoislääkäri, vs. ylilääkäri, vastuualuejohtaja Tampereen yliopistollinen sairaala, syövänhoidon vastuualue

Minna Tanner LT, dosentti, syöpätautien erikoislääkäri, osastonylilääkäri Tampereen yliopistollinen sairaala, syövänhoidon vastuualue

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