English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2024; 79 : e39429 www.laakarilehti.fi/e39429 (Julkaistu 5.8.2024)

Use of emergency services and reasons for visits in special health care

Anna-Maaria VähäMarja-Leena LamidiKatja WikströmMiika LinnaTiina Laatikainen

Background   Inappropriate visits can be one of the causes of overcrowding in emergency department (ED). In this study, we examined the utilization and reasons for visits in ED in Finland.

Methods   Data were obtained from national Care Register for Health Care and included adult population’s visits with physicians in ED in 2018–2019. The number of visits and diagnoses were analyzed by age group, gender, and wellbeing services counties. Number of visits were presented as number of appointments per 1,000 person years (PY). The reason for the visit were defined according to the main diagnoses. 

Results   In 2019, incidence of ED visits was 231/1,000 PY. Oldest population (aged >80 years) had twice as much ED visits (594/1,000 PY) compared with those aged 65–79 years (289/1,000). Those aged 25–64 years and those aged 18–24 years has almost equal amount of ED visits (178/1,000 PY and 187/1,000 PY, respectively). Women had higher incidence of visits (247/1,000 PY) than men (214/1,000 PY). Typical diagnosis included injuries and heart diseases. Non-specific symptom diagnoses were frequent.

Conclusion   In elderly patients, the incidence of ED visits was high, and nonspecific symptom diagnoses were common. If no changes are made to the health care system, it will increase ED use due to aging.

Anna-Maaria Vähä, Marja-Leena Lamidi, Katja Wikström, Miika Linna, Tiina Laatikainen


Anna-Maaria Vähä LL, projektitutkija Itä-Suomen yliopisto, kansanterveystieteen ja kliinisen ravitsemustieteen yksikkö

Marja-Leena Lamidi FM Itä-Suomen yliopisto, kansanterveystieteen ja kliinisen ravitsemustieteen yksikkö

Katja Wikström FT (kansanterveystiede), tutkija Itä-Suomen yliopisto, kansanterveystieteen ja kliinisen ravitsemustieteen yksikkö ja Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Hyvinvointivaikuttajat-osasto

Miika Linna TkT, professori Itä-Suomen yliopisto, sosiaali- ja terveysjohtamisen laitos

Tiina Laatikainen LT, professori Itä-Suomen yliopisto, kansanterveystieteen ja kliinisen ravitsemustieteen yksikkö ja Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Hyvinvointivaikuttajat-osasto

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