English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2022;77:e32696, www.laakarilehti.fi/e32696

The number of people in opioid substitution treatment continued to increase in 2019

Airi PartanenHannu AlhoKristiina KuussaariSolja NiemeläMarkus PartanenSanna RönkäLotta SundqvistHelena Vorma

Background The objective of this cross-sectional study was to obtain information on the number of persons in opioid withdrawal and substitution treatment in 2019. There were an estimated 23,500−29,500 problem users of opioids in 2017.

Methods The cross-sectional study on opioid withdrawal and substitution treatment at the end of 2019 was conducted via a questionnaire to units offering treatment in early 2020.

Results In 2019, there were a total of 4,779 patients in opioid withdrawal and substitution treatment, an increase of 44% from 2015. Nearly all patients were in substitution treatment (n = 4,729). The majority of patients (74%) were treated in special services for substance abusers. There was no change in the proportions of medicines used in substitution treatment (buprenorphine 64%, methadone 35%). However, amongst the buprenorphine products, use of long-acting injections had become more common in 2019. The division of the treatment goals into rehabilitative and harm reduction treatment had decreased compared to 2015.

Conclusions The coverage of opioid substitution treatment in Finland remains low compared to the estimated number of problem users of opioids. More detailed research data on the content and quality of substitution treatment is needed. In the reform of the decree on this treatment type, consideration must be given to strengthening the emphasis on individual treatment goals.

Airi Partanen, Hannu Alho, Kristiina Kuussaari, Solja Niemelä, Markus Partanen, Sanna Rönkä, Lotta Sundqvist, Helena Vorma

Airi Partanen

M.Sc. (Health Care), Development Manager

National Institute for Health and Welfare, Health and Well-Being Promotion Unit


Airi Partanen THM, kehittämispäällikkö THL, Hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden edistäminen -yksikkö

Hannu Alho LT, tutkimusprofessori THL, päihdelääketieteen professori (emeritus), Helsingin yliopisto

Kristiina Kuussaari VTT, erikoistutkija THL, Hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden edistäminen -yksikkö

Solja Niemelä LT, ylilääkäri, päihdelääketieteen apulaisprofessori Turun yliopisto ja Tyks psykiatria, riippuvuuspsykiatrian vastuualue

Markus Partanen LL, avohoitopalvelujen ylilääkäri A-klinikka Oy

Sanna Rönkä VTT, erityisasiantuntija THL, Sote-tieto ja -tiedonhallinta -yksikkö

Lotta Sundqvist YTK, terveydenhoitaja Espoon kaupunki, hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden toimiala, perhe- ja sosiaalipalvelut

Helena Vorma LT, lääkintöneuvos STM, Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon asiakkaat ja palvelut -osasto

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