English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2023;78:e34435, www.laakarilehti.fi/e34435

Association of childhood psychiatric and neurodevelopmental conditions with debt payment default entries in adulthood ­– a study on the 1997 birth cohort

Aapo HiilamoMarkus Keski-Säntti Sami Pirkola Tea LallukkaAntti Kääriälä

Background We examined the association of childhood psychiatric and neurodevelopmental conditions with debt payment default entries in adulthood, and how this association varies by parental socioeconomic status.

Methods The 1997 birth cohort analysed consists of all people born in a single year in Finland (58 802, number in this study n = 56 272). Data on diagnosis of childhood psychiatric and neurodevelopmental conditions were derived from the Care Register for Health Care for the years 1997–2014. Debt payment default entry records were used as an administrative measure of over-indebtedness, measured in 2020.

Results The prevalence of debt payment default entries was 2.6-fold among young adults with records of childhood psychiatric and conduct disorder / disruptive behaviour disorder diagnosis. This association was particularly strong for the diagnosis of conduct disorders, substance abuse, personality disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. These associations were stronger among young adults with lower childhood socioeconomic status.

Conclusion Debt payment default entries are prevalent among vulnerable groups. Adolescent psychiatry services should consider interventions that prevent debt problems.

Aapo Hiilamo, Markus Keski-Säntti, Sami Pirkola, Tea Lallukka, Antti Kääriälä

Aapo Hiilamo

M.Soc.Sci., M.Sc., Researcher

BIBU research project, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, and

Itla Children’s Foundation, Helsinki


Aapo Hiilamo PhD, erikoistutkija Helsingin yliopisto, valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta, BIBU-tutkimushanke (kirjoitushetkellä) ja Itsenäisyyden juhlavuoden lastensäätiö sr. Itla, Helsinki

Markus Keski-Säntti  KTM, tutkija Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Tietopalvelut-osaston aineistot ja analytiikka

Sami Pirkola  professori, tutkimusvaradekaani Tampereen yliopisto, yhteiskuntatieteellinen tiedekunta

Tea Lallukka FT, professori Helsingin yliopisto, kansanterveystieteen osasto

Antti Kääriälä VTT, erikoistutkija Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Hyvinvointivaltion tutkimus ja uudistaminen -yksikkö

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