English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2023;78:e34419, www.laakarilehti.fi/e34419

Towards effectiveness-based wound care

Juhani AakkoArber MehmetiWerneri TuompoMinna LinnaEija SaimanenMerja LampinenJaana Ahlamaa

Evaluation of the treatment and costs of patients with chronic wounds in Eksote

Background Treatment of chronic wounds is expensive. Prevention and early treatment of chronic wounds save health care resources. The aim was to describe the characteristics, costs, and follow-up metrics of wound patients.

Methods We used pseudonymized data from patients with chronic wounds in the South Karelia Social and Healthcare District (Eksote). The patient cohort consisted of patients with new chronic wounds in 2018.

Results In 2018, there were 489 new patients in the region with a chronic wound (incidence 3.8 per 1,000) and a total of 863 (prevalence 6.7 per 1,000) patients with wound episodes were treated in 2018. The average length of a wound episode was 4.7 months and the probability of recurrence at 12 months was 17.7%. The (direct) costs related to wound care were EUR 3.4 million and the total costs during the wound care periods were EUR 9.2 million.

Conclusions Wound healing cycles are long, on average, and the likelihood of wound recurrence is high. To improve the care of wound patients, systematic monitoring of wound patients would be important. The current information systems already provide opportunities for systematic monitoring of patients.

Juhani Aakko, Arber Mehmeti, Juuso Tuompo, Minna Linna, Eija Saimanen, Merja Lampinen, Jaana Ahlamaa

Jaana Ahlamaa

M.D., Ph.D., Specialist in Surgery, Medical Director

Medaffcon Oy


Juhani Aakko Tkt, data-analyytikko Medaffcon Oy

Arber Mehmeti LL, vs. ylilääkäri Keski-Uudenmaan hyvinvointialue

Werneri Tuompo LitM, projektipäällikkö Tietoevry Oyj

Minna Linna LL, eMBA, neurologian erikoislääkäri, vt. sairaalan johtaja Etelä-Karjalan hyvinvointialue

Eija Saimanen LL, LT, thorax- ja verisuonikirurgian erikoislääkäri, osastonylilääkäri Etelä-Karjalan hyvinvointialue

Merja Lampinen Master of Health Care, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan lehtori, palvelupäällikkö Etelä-Karjalan hyvinvointialue

Jaana Ahlamaa LL, LT, kirurgian erikoislääkäri, lääketieteellinen johtaja Ahlamaa Consulting Oy

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