English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2024;79:e41741, www.laakarilehti.fi/e41741

Internet-based programme ”Kivunhoidon startti” for patients with chronic pain

Teemu MiettinenKatri HamunenEija Kalso

Background Giving information on the content of treatment and factors influencing pain is part of the management of chronic pain. Internet-based programmes enable this even while waiting for the first appointment at the pain clinic.

Methods We studied whether the programme “Kivunhoidon startti” would benefit patients about to begin multidisciplinary pain management. Patients (348) were randomized to begin the programme either before or right after the first appointment.

Results When offered the “while waiting” option, the patients were more likely to start the programme (72.6% vs 42.8%) and to progress further in it. By the end of the programme, patients regarded further investigation of the cause of their pain as less helpful by 11% (0.80 points, 95% CI 0.25–1.47; P=0,007; scale 0–10). Worry about pain decreased by 9% (0.67 points, 95% CI 0.35–1.31; P=0,039; scale 0­–10) and pain catastrophizing by 12% (3.47 points, 95% CI 1.45–5.48; P=0,001; scale 0–52).

Conclusions This study suggests that the “Kivunhoidon startti” programme may be beneficial while the patient is waiting for the first appointment and that pain-related worry and catastrophizing may be slightly alleviated. In the future, internet-based programmes may support different phases of pain management and promote adherence over the whole treatment path.

Teemu Miettinen, Katri Hamunen, Eija Kalso


Teemu Miettinen PsM, FT Hus Syöpäkeskus, psykososiaalisen tuen yksikkö ja Hus Leikkaus- ja tehohoitokeskus

Katri Hamunen dosentti, ylilääkäri Hus Neurokeskus, Kipuklinikka

Eija Kalso professori, tutkimusjohtaja Helsingin yliopisto, lääketieteellinen tiedekunta ja Hus Leikkaus- ja tehohoitokeskus

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